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Package management in python
File Handling
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Python Setup
- Setup Python Development environment
- Using Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code
- Run python in browser with pyscript
- Setup python on Linux in Windows using WSL and VS Code
- Setup Raspberry Pi zero W and run python scripts and servers
Python Language Skills
- Commenting in python
- Basic printing in python
- Managing Variables in python
- Getting type of variable in python
- Operations on variables in python
- 'if', 'else', 'elif' condition in python
- strings in python
- raw strings in python
- lists in python
- dictionaries in python
- Create sequences with range function in python
- 'for' loop in python
- 'while' statement for looping in python
- functions in python
- List comprehensions in python
- Create a sequence of numbers in python
- Create random numbers in python
- 'any', 'all' keywords in python
- Handling errors in python
- Read named command line inputs with argparse module
- Run external commands or other languages using python subprocess module
- Automated tests in python with unittest module
- Schedule python scripts without task scheduler or cron jobs
Package management in python
- Install and manage python packages
- Virtual environments using 'venv'
- Using virtual environments in python projects with venv
- Install python packages offline without internet
- Install a python package from source code
- Using PyInstaller for distributing python program
Date and Time
- Datetime library in python
- Managing time periods using ‘timedelta’ in python
- Inducing time delays in python using 'sleep' function
- Add or subtract months to date in python
- Split a time interval using pandas date_range
File Handling
- Check if file or folder is present
- Creating a folder in python
- Reading and writing files in python
- Delete a file or folder in python
- Iterate through files inside folder
FTP, SFTP, File Hosting
- Setup FTP server and FTP client in Windows using IIS, Filezilla server and WinSCP
- FTP server communication with ftplib python module
- Get latest file from ftp server folder using ftplib in python
- Setup SFTP server and SFTP client in Windows using OpenSSH server and WinSCP
- Setup Logging for SFTP server in windows
- SFTP server in Windows with multiple users and read-only option
- SFTP server communication with pysftp python module
- Static file hosting with directory browsing in IIS
Application Code best practices
- Accessing application secrets with environment variables
- Sharing functions and variables across files in python
- Managing application configuration and sensitive data using a JSON file in a python script / project
Pandas DataFrame
- pandas DataFrame Basics
- Working with excel files and pandas DataFrames
- Import pandas DataFrame from DBF file
- Getting the shape / dimension of a DataFrame
- Getting the column names of DataFrame
- Rename columns of a Pandas DataFrame
- Vertically slicing a DataFrame by column names
- Filter DataFrame rows
- Advance DataFrame filtering rows with lambda function
- Selecting a subset of DataFrame using 'iloc' function
- Selecting a subset of DataFrame using 'loc' function
- Export DataFrame as excel or csv
- Join two DataFrames on a column
- Append rows or DataFrames to a pandas DataFrame
- Convert pandas Series to dictionary and vice-versa in python
- Convert Pandas DataFrame to a list of dictionaries
- Import / Export Pandas dataframes to SQLite database
Matplotlib for plotting
- Introduction to Matplotlib plotting library
- Styling Matplotlib plots
- Multiple Plots in a same subplot using Matplotlib
- Multiple subplots in a figure using Matplotlib
- Export a Matplotlib figure as an image or a pdf file
- Setting Figure size of matplotlib plots
- Save multiple matplotlib plots into a pdf file
- Centering the plot axes in matplotlib
- Set limits of x and y axis in matplotlib
- Set axes ticks and tick labels in matplotlib
- Control axis ticks locations using tick locators in matplotlib
- Format axis ticks using TickFormatters in matplotlib
- Positioning the legend at the bottom of a Matplotlib plot in python
- Duration Curve using Matplotlib
- Secondary axis and twin axis in python matplotlib plots
Reports Automation
- docxtpl python library for creating automated reports as word and pdf files from templates
- Automating word files to pdf files conversion using docx2pdf python library
- Automate word to PDF conversion in python using LibreOffice
- Conditional statements, nested for loops and loop.index0 in docxtpl automated reports
- Send email with attachments in python without compromising on gmail two factor authentication
- Requests module in python
- Automate word to PDF conversion in python using LibreOffice
- HTML to PDF conversion in python with playwright
Interactive Maps with folium
- Introduction to Folium for interactive maps
- Draw borders from GeoJSON paths in python folium maps
- Draw circles and circle markers in python folium
- Save folium map as a png image using selenium browser automation
- Draw markers in python folium maps
- Inject HTML into python folium maps
- Draw text on python folium maps using DivIcon
- Create a bubble map from excel data using python folium and pandas
- Draw Rectangle, Polyline, Polygon in python folium
- Draw heatmap on a python folium map
- Animated lines in python folium maps
- Render folium maps in python flask server
- Logging in Python
- Logging contextual data using LoggerAdapter in Python
- Logging in python flask applications
- Simple Syslog server setup in Windows and Ubuntu
- Send logs to Syslog server in Python using SysLogHandler
- Simple and customizable Syslog server in python
Database for data storage
- Installing and managing a PostgreSQL database
- Installing and using DBeaver for accessing and controlling different databases in one tool
- psycopg2 python module for PostgreSQL database interfacing
- Oracle Instant Client installation in Windows
- Oracle Express Edition (XE) database setup along with sqldeveloper and DBeaver in Windows
- cx_Oracle python module for Oracle database interfacing
- oracledb python module as cx_Oracle replacement
- Interface with SQLite database in python
- Run PostgreSQL as a docker container
- Reset PostgreSQL database password
Flask web development
- Flask python module introduction for creating web servers
- Extract parameters from URL in flask server
- Serve static files in flask
- jinja templates in flask
- Template inheritance in Flask jinja templates
- Macros in python flask jinja templates
- Forms with front-end and server-side validation in Flask web applications
- WTForms for better forms validation and rendering in Flask
- Sub mount a flask application under a URL prefix
- Custom Error Pages in python Flask application
- Flask Blueprints for modular MVC like web applications
- Create API endpoints in Flask
- Run a python Flask server as a windows background service using nssm
- Waitress as Flask server WSGI
- Logging in python Flask applications
- Integrate swagger and model validation to flask APIs with flask-restx
- Render folium maps in python flask server
- Implement flask server and python client for OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow
- Sessions and cookies in flask
- Generate a static website from python flask application using Frozen-Flask
- Overview of Web APIs and API security
- Flask role-based authorization with Keycloak
OAuth 2.0
- OAuth 2.0 for centralized Authorization and Authentication of users and applications
- Setup Keycloak as OAuth 2.0 server in Windows for testing and development
- Secure machine to machine communication with OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow
- Implement flask server and python client for OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow
- OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow for securing server side web applications
- Implement login with google in python flask applications
- Setup PostgreSQL database for keycloak
- Manage Users, Login screen, Password policy and Two factor authentication in keycloak
- Run Keycloak in production mode in windows with HTTPS
- Apache as reverse proxy for Keycloak
- Customize Keycloak appearance with themes
- Flask role-based authorization with Keycloak
- Elasticsearch database concepts
- Setup Elasticsearch in Windows
- Setup Kibana in windows
- heartbeat setup in windows for monitoring servers and websites
- Send data from files or syslog to Elasticsearch with Filebeat
- Winlogbeat setup for centralized Windows event logs
- Introduction to Grafana
- Setup Grafana in Windows
- Connect Grafana with PostgreSQL for time series visualization
- Create alerts in Grafana
- Grafana alert emails with images
- Customize Grafana alert emails
- JSON Grafana plugin to fetch API data
- Visualize csv in Grafana with Infinity datasource
- Variables in Grafana with examples
- Grafana webhooks for custom alerts
- Monitor windows process with Grafana infinity datasource
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