Grafana webhooks for custom alerts
- Grafana alerts can be dispatched to many in-built notification channels
- But in some cases, Grafana might not support the required destination to deliver alert notifications
- To support such custom alerts, webhooks can be developed to deliver alerts to desired destination
How Grafana webhook notifier works
- A webhook can be created as a contact point in Grafana and an alert rule can be configured to use the webhook to deliver notifications
- A webhook sends the alert information as a JSON to a configured URL over HTTP
- A sample alert data from Grafana webhook is shown below
"receiver": "test webhook",
"status": "firing",
"alerts": [
"status": "firing",
"labels": {
"alertname": "test",
"grafana_folder": "test"
"annotations": {},
"startsAt": "2024-10-14T16:36:10+05:30",
"endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"generatorURL": "<http://localhost:3000/alerting/grafana/de0fg38xxe70gd/view?orgId=1>",
"fingerprint": "75329ee086bfb97f",
"silenceURL": "<http://localhost:3000/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dtest&matcher=grafana_folder%3Dtest&orgId=1>",
"dashboardURL": "",
"panelURL": "",
"values": {
"B": 38.19475553557968,
"C": 1
"valueString": "[ var='B' labels={__name__=A-series} value=38.19475553557968 ], [ var='C' labels={__name__=A-series} value=1 ]"
"groupLabels": {
"alertname": "test",
"grafana_folder": "test"
"commonLabels": {
"alertname": "test",
"grafana_folder": "test"
"commonAnnotations": {},
"externalURL": "<http://localhost:3000/>",
"version": "1",
"groupKey": "{}/{__grafana_autogenerated__=\\"true\\"}/{__grafana_receiver__=\\"test webhook\\"}:{alertname=\\"test\\", grafana_folder=\\"test\\"}",
"truncatedAlerts": 0,
"orgId": 1,
"title": "[FIRING:1] test test ",
"state": "alerting",
"message": "**Firing**\\n\\nValue: B=38.19475553557968, C=1\\nLabels:\\n - alertname = test\\n - grafana_folder = test\\nAnnotations:\\nSource: <http://localhost:3000/alerting/grafana/de0fg38xxe70gd/view?orgId=1\\nSilence:> <http://localhost:3000/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3Dtest&matcher=grafana_folder%3Dtest&orgId=1\\n>"
Create a webhook in Grafana
- As shown in the above image, webhook can be crated in the Alerting→Contact Points section
- The URL of API server and other required settings are required to be mentioned during webhook creation
- Provision for basic authentication, authorization header, custom message title and message are also present
Sample API server
- An API server can be developed to process alert information sent from Grafana webhook
- Grafana webhook will call the API server to deliver alert data
- The API server can use the alert information from JSON body of HTTP request and deliver the alert to a custom alert destination like SMS gateway, custom database etc.
- A sample API server developed in python Flask for delivering alert data from webhooks to alert destinations like SMS gateway, database, message queue etc.
from flask import Flask, request
import json
# create a flask server
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/alert', methods=["POST"])
def alert():
alertData = request.json
# dump alert data to a file for debugging purposes
out_file = open("test.json", "w")
# use alert data to deliver notification
alertMsg = alertData["message"]
# send alert data to desired destination like an sms gateway, database etc.
return 'ok'
def index():
return 'Hello, World!'
# __name__ will be __main__ only if this file is the entry point
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run the server on this ip and port 50100'', port=50100, debug=True)
Video on this post can be seen here
- Official documentation on Grafana webhooks -
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