Managing Variables in Python


Skill - Managing Variables in python

Table of Contents

Skills Required

Please make sure to have all the skills mentioned above to understand and execute the code mentioned below. Go through the above skills if necessary for reference or revision

Main Code

Assigning value to a variable

x = 1
y = 'abc'

The code above assigns the value 1 to variable x and assigns the value ‘abc’ to variable y

Deleting variables

del x

The above code deletes the variable x

Get type of the variable

x = 1

The above code will print <type 'int'>

Some other operations

x = 2

# this makes value of y as 4 as x is multiplied by 2
y = 2*x

# this makes value of z as 6 as the addition of x and y is assigned to z
z = x + y

Further Reading


You can see the video for this post here

Online Interpreter

You can run these codes online at

Table of Contents
