Basic printing in python


Skill - Basic printing in python

Table of Contents

Skills Required

Please make sure to go through all the skills mentioned above to understand and execute the code mentioned below

Main Code

In order to print the Hello world! string, use the print() function as follows

print("Hello world!")

‘end’ input to suppress new line

use ‘end’ input to print function to suppress new line for each print function call

# space printed at the end instead of new line
print('Hello', end=' ')
# space printed at the end instead of new line
print('World', end=' ')

colored printing using the ‘colored’ module

Use pip install colored in command prompt to install colored module

# import fg, bg, attr sub modules from colored module
from colored import fg, bg, attr

# print Hello World !!! with red foreground and blue background
print ('{0}{1}Hello World !!!{2}'.format(fg('red'), bg('blue'), attr('reset')))

# print Hello World !!! with green color
print ('{0}Hello World !!!{1}'.format(fg('green'), attr('reset')))

For more information on colors in colored module click here

Run this in Visual Studio Code

  • Create a folder in your PC
  • Open this folder in Visual Studio Code using menu File->Open Folder
  • Open File Explorer
  • Create a python file by any name, say and write the following
print("Hello world!")
  • Run the code using menu Run -> Run Without Debugging
  • You should see Hello world! printed in the terminal


The video for this post can be seen here

Online Interpreter

You can run these codes online at


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