
Integrate swagger and model validation to flask APIs with flask-restx

Table of Contents

Skills Required

Please make sure to have all the skills mentioned above to understand and execute the code mentioned below. Go through the above skills if necessary for reference or revision

  • In this post we will learn how to create simple API endpoints in flask


flask-restx can be installed using pip with the following command

python -m pip install flask-restx



API application

  • An API application can be mounted on a flask application or blueprint.


  • Namespace is a group of API endpoints
  • Namespaces are attached to an API endpoint with a url-prefix
  • For example all the API endpoints related to todos can be mounted under the url prefix “todos” in an API application
  • It is like an API controller in an MVC application


  • Resource is an API endpoint inside a Namespace
  • It is like a route in a flask application

API Model

  • Using an API model, the data type and validation parameters of the request objects or response objects can be defined
  • Using an API model, a request object JSON data types and attributes can be validated and the response objects can be mapped to API models to generate response JSON containing only the required attributes
  • The request JSON payload can be validated with API model by mentioning an annotation on an API endpoint method, like @namespace.expect(apiModel)
  • The response object can be mapped to an API model while sending the JSON object in response by mentioning an annotation on the API endpoint method, like @namespace.marshal_with(apiModel) or @namespace.marshal_list_with(apiModel) (to specify that list of API models will be returned)

Swagger UI

  • Swagger UI is the auto generated web page generated by flask-restx application
  • In Swagger UI, the API endpoints can be interactively invoked for easily testing the APIs

Swagger document

  • Swagger document is a JSON file (usually swagger.json) that contains all the information of the API application like the endpoint URLs, request and response data structures, descriptions etc.
  • Since the json files contains information complying to OpenAPI Specification , other application or tools can understand the API structure and can easily create integrations to the API.

Example application

# server.py
# this is a simple todos API flask application using flask-restx

from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from flask_restx import Api, Resource, fields, Namespace

# a list that will act as a database for this example
todosDB = []

# create a flask application
app = Flask(__name__)

# use this only if the flask application is behind a reverse proxy
# from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
# app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)

# create a flask blueprint for API application
blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix='/api')

# create an API application attached to the blueprint
# you can also attacht he API application directly to the flask application
# use doc=False to disable swagger UI page
# use validate=True to enable request validation by default in all api endpoints/resources
api = Api(blueprint,
          title="Example API application",
          description="An example API application using flask-restx",

# register blueprint in the flask application

# create an API namespace
# Namespace is a group of API endpoints/routes like an MVC API controller
todosCtrlr = Namespace(
    'todos', path="todos", description='Todos API Controller')

# create API models for various api endpoints
# the data type and data validation for each field in API model can be specified
# the request JSON objects can be validated or response JSON objects can be mapped using this API models
createTodoCommand = todosCtrlr.model('Create Todo command', {
    'task': fields.String(required=True, description='Todo details')

updateTodoCommand = todosCtrlr.model('Update Todo command', {
    'task': fields.String(required=True, description='Todo details')

todoDto = todosCtrlr.model('Todo DTO', {
    'id': fields.Integer(description='Id of Todo'),
    'task': fields.String(description='Todo details')

# create a namespace endpoint / controller endpoint by specifying the route
# A controller route is repesented by a python class inheriting the "Resource" base class
# The HTTP request handling functions are defined using the get, post, put, delete methods in the class
class TodosList(Resource):
    def get(self):
        # this method handles GET request of the API endpoint
        # return all database todo objects in response
        return todosDB

    def post(self):
        # this method handles POST request of the API endpoint
        # create a todo object in the database using the JSON from API request payload
        newTodo = todosCtrlr.payload
        newId = 1 if len(todosDB) == 0 else 1+max([x["id"] for x in todosDB])
        todosDB.append({"id": newId, "task": newTodo["task"]})

# extract id variable of endpoint from URL segment for use in the request handling functions
class Todo(Resource):
    def get(self, id):
        # this method handles GET request of the API endpoint
        # get the todo object based on id from request URL
        desiredTodos = [x for x in todosDB if x["id"] == id]
        if len(desiredTodos) > 0:
            # return the todo object in response
            return desiredTodos[0]
        # return a 404 error code since todo object was not found
        todosCtrlr.abort(404, f"TODO with id {id} does not exist")

    def put(self, id):
        # this method handles PUT request of the API endpoint
        # get the index of required todo object based on id from request URL
        TodoDbIds = [x["id"] for x in todosDB]
        if not id in TodoDbIds:
            # return a 404 error code since todo object was not found
            todosCtrlr.abort(404, f"TODO with id {id} does not exist")
        todoInd = [x["id"] for x in todosDB].index(id)

        # update the required todo object based on the PUT request payload
        todosDB[todoInd]["task"] = todosCtrlr.payload["task"]

        # return the updated todo object in response
        return todosDB[todoInd]

    def delete(self, id):
        # this method handles DELETE request of the API endpoint
        # get the index of required todo object based on id from request URL
        TodoDbIds = [x["id"] for x in todosDB]
        if not id in TodoDbIds:
            # return a 404 error code since todo object was not found
            todosCtrlr.abort(404, f"TODO with id {id} does not exist")
        todoInd = [x["id"] for x in todosDB].index(id)

        # delete the desired todo object and return 204 response code
        return "", 204


# run the flask server
app.run(host="", port=50100, debug=True)


The video for this post can be seen here

