Variables in Grafana with examples


Variables in Grafana with examples

  • Variables in Grafana can be used to use common values in dashboard queries, titles etc.
  • Variables can be used to create input elements like select boxes, text inputs that can change the dashboard based on user input
  • A variable can also be used in another variable (chained variables). This can be used to create hierarchical select boxes for user inputs

Manage variables in a dashboard

  • As shown below, go to the dashboard settings page and go to the variables tab


Variable types

Query variable

  • The variable value select list options will be fetched from a datasource using a query



Custom variable

  • The variable value select list options will be defined manually



Text box variable

  • The variable value can be defined by the user in a textbox



Using variable in the query of a visualization


  • Variable value can be used in a query of the visualization as shown in the above image
  • In the above example, using $state_name in the query will use value of the state_name variable
  • The above example uses a variable in an infinity datasource query. In a similar way, variables can be used in any datasource queries (like PostgreSQL, JSON, SQL Server etc.)

Using variable in a visualization title


  • In the above example, value of the variable state_name is used in a visualization title using $state_name

Nested Variables and Hierarchical Select boxes



  • A variable can be used in the query of another variable
  • Hence the drop-down values of one variable can be dependent on the value of another variable. This can help in creating hierarchical drop-downs as shown in the above example.

