Render folium maps in python flask server


Render folium maps in python flask server

Table of Contents


  • Folium maps can be served from python flask web applications

Components required for a folium map

script and style tags for linking dependencies

This script and style tags required to be placed in the HTML head tag can be rendered using mapObj.get_root().header.render(), where mapObj is the python map object


div for map container

The HTML div container of the map can be rendered in the HTML body using mapObj.get_root().html.render()

JavaScript for initializing and rendering the map


The JavaScript required to initialize and render the folium map can be rendered in the HTML script tag using m.get_root().script.render()


from flask import Flask, render_template_string
import folium

# create a flask application
app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    """Create a map object"""
    mapObj = folium.Map(location=[18.906286495910905, 79.40917968750001],
                        zoom_start=5, width=800, height=500)

    # add a marker to the map object
    folium.Marker([17.4127332, 78.078362],
                  popup="<i>This a marker</i>").add_to(mapObj)

    # render the map object

    # derive the script and style tags to be rendered in HTML head
    header = mapObj.get_root().header.render()

    # derive the div container to be rendered in the HTML body
    body_html = mapObj.get_root().html.render()

    # derive the JavaScript to be rendered in the HTML body
    script = mapObj.get_root().script.render()

    # return a web page with folium map components embeded in it. You can also use render_template.
    return render_template_string(
            <!DOCTYPE html>
                    {{ header|safe }}
                    <h1>Embed folium map in HTML page</h1>
                    {{ body_html|safe }}
                    <h3>This map is embeded in a flask server web page !</h3>
                        {{ script|safe }}

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=50100, debug=True)


Render map in an iframe

  • m.get_root()._repr_html_() can be used to render the map in an iframe of a webpage
from flask import Flask, render_template_string
import folium

# create a flask application
app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    """Create a map object"""
    mapObj = folium.Map(location=[18.906286495910905, 79.40917968750001],

    # add a marker to the map object
    folium.Marker([17.4127332, 78.078362],
                  popup="<i>This a marker</i>").add_to(mapObj)

    # set iframe width and height
    mapObj.get_root().width = "700px"
    mapObj.get_root().height = "500px"

    # derive the iframe content to be rendered in the HTML body
    iframe = mapObj.get_root()._repr_html_()

    # return a web page with folium map components embeded in it. You can also use render_template.
    return render_template_string(
            <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <h1>Using iframe to render folium map in HTML page</h1>
                    {{ iframe|safe }}
                    <h3>This map is place in an iframe of the page!</h3>

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=50100, debug=True)

  • When the map is rendered in an iframe, the webpage cannot interact with the map via JavaScript


The video for this blog can be found here

