Monitor windows process with Grafana infinity datasource
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Monitor windows process with Grafana infinity datasource
Grafana can generate alerts by periodically monitoring a datasource based on user-defined conditions.
This alerting capability enables continuous monitoring of Windows processes in Grafana.
A Windows batch script, as shown below, can produce a CSV file with timestamps and status updates of the desired program.
@echo off
@rem process_monitor.bat
set processName=notepad.exe
@REM run command to check if process is running
for /f "delims=" %%i in('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %processName%"')doset cmdRes=%%i
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@REM set the flag if process is running
set isOk=0
if NOT "!cmdRes:%processName%=!"=="%cmdRes%"(set isOk=1
)echo %isOk%
@REM derive current UTC timestamp
@REM <>for /f %%x in('wmic path win32_utctime get /format:list ^| findstr "="')doset %%x
if %Month% lss 10 set Month=0%Month%
if %Day% lss 10 set Day=0%Day%
if %Hour% lss 10 set Hour=0%Hour%
if %Minute% lss 10 set Minute=0%Minute%
if %Second% lss 10 set Second=0%Second%
set curTs=%Year%-%Month%-%Day% %Hour%:%Minute%:%Second%
@REM dump results into file(echo time,val
echo %curTs%,%isOk%
A sample CSV file (C:\app_status.csv) generated by the above script is shown below. This script can be configured in Windows Task Scheduler to update the CSV file at regular intervals.
2024-10-17 06:58:25,1
The csv file can be hosted as a static file from a web server like IIS, Apache or simple python server and made available to Grafana through infinity DataSource. The data flow for real time monitoring of csv file by Grafana is illustrated below
Setup Infinity Datasource in Grafana
Install the infinity datasource plugin in Grafana
Create a datasource connection in Grafana as shown below
Create alert rule in Grafana
Create an alert rule in Grafana with the csv URL as shown below
The above alert rule will trigger if value in csv is less than 1. The alert rule can be configured to run at regular intervals, say 5 minutes as shown below
Grafana will generate an alert as shown below when the process is stopped
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