Conditional statements, nested for loops and loop.index0 in docxtpl automated reports


Skill - Conditional statements, nested for loops and loop.index0 in docxtpl automated reports

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Skills Required

Please make sure to have all the skills mentioned above to understand and execute the code mentioned below. Go through the above skills if necessary for reference or revision

  • docxtpl is a python library for populating data into word file templates.
  • Please see the previous blog post here for introduction and in-depth use cases of docxtpl for report automation

Problem description

In this blog post we will create an automated report for each customer address and each customer address will also display his other addresses and tick mark will be displayed against the address for which the report is generated

Template word file

The following template word file is used in this blog post can be downloaded here - customerTmpl.docx



from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
import datetime as dt
from docx2pdf import convert
import random

customerObjects = [{
    "name": "Customer 1 Name",
    "addressList": [
        ["Address 1 Flat No.", "Address 1 Street", "Address 1 City, Pin code"],
        ["Address 2 Flat No.", "Address 2 Street", "Address 2 City, Pin code"],
    {"name": "Customer 2 Name",
     "addressList": [
         ["Address 3 Flat No.", "Address 3 Street", "Address 3 City, Pin code"],
         ["Address 4 Flat No.", "Address 4 Street", "Address 4 City, Pin code"],

# template word file path
tmplPath = "customerTmpl.docx"

# run for each customer in a for loop
for cItr, cObj in enumerate(customerObjects):
    # get customer score
    cScore = random.randint(10, 90)
    # create report for each customer address in a for loop
    for addrItr in range(len(cObj["addressList"])):
        # create context dictionary
        context = {
            "recipientName": cObj['name'],
            "addressList": cObj['addressList'],
            "activeAddrInd": addrItr,
            "score": cScore

        # create a document object
        doc = DocxTemplate(tmplPath)

        # render context into the document object

        # save the document object as a word file
        resultFilePath = 'output/report_{0}_{1}.docx'.format(cItr, addrItr)

        # convert the word file into pdf
        pdfFilePath = resultFilePath.replace('.docx', '.pdf')
        convert(resultFilePath, pdfFilePath)

        # send the pdf file as email if required

print("execution complete...")
  • In the above example, we have defined customers as objects and each object has customer name, customer addresses list as it’s members
  • In order to generate a report for each customer address, first we iterate through each customer and in turn iterate through each customer address to render a word and pdf file in the output folder
  • While running this script, create folder named ouput in the same folder as the script file.
  • A jinja2 for loop in the template word file table is used to render list of customer addresses from the context object
  • We used loop.index0 inside the jinja2 for loop to determine the zero-indexed loop iterator while rendering each address in the table row
  • To display check mark icon only for the target report address among all the customer addresses, we have used a jinja2 if conditional statement that checks if the index of the rendered customer address is equal to the target address index
  • Each line of the address is rendered as a word table row using jinja2 for loop. Hence we are using a for loop inside a for loop.


As shown in the below image, a word and pdf file is generated for each customer address and check mark is set for the report address


Video for this post can be found here


Table of Contents
