A specific version of docker can be installed using tags like docker pull postgres:17 . The supported tags can be found at https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/tags
Run PostgreSQL docker container
Run the following command to run PostgreSQL docker container
--rm means, the container is deleted after it stops
--name mydb1 sets the container name to mydb1
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=db_pswrd sets an environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD value as db_pswrd
-d means the container will run in background (detached mode)
-p 5432:5432 means the 5432 port of container can be accessed using 5432 port of host machine. The format is host_port:container_port
-v "C:\dbFolders\db1":/var/lib/postgresql/data means the data of the container folder /var/lib/postgresql/data will be stored in C:\dbFolders\db1. The format is host_path:container_path
postgres is the name of the container image. It can also be something like postgres:14
Connect to PostgreSQL container
Use docker exec command to connect to the PostgreSQL container
docker exec -it -u postgres mydb psql
docker exec can execute a command in a running container
-it creates a pseudo terminal that allows standard command line inputs to the container
-u postgres runs the command with the user postgres
Simple psql commands
\l - List all databases
\c dbname - connect to a database dbname
\dn - list schemas of the database
\db - list tablespaces of the database
\dt - list tables of the database
\dt schema1.* - list tables of the database schema schema1
View PostgreSQL container logs
By default PostgreSQL container sends logs to standard output (command line) of the container
Hence the logs can be viewed using docker logs -f mydb1
-f flag means new logs will also displayed while viewing logs
Store PostgreSQL logs into files
add -c logging_collector=on to the docker run statement.
This will add a command line argument so that PostgreSQL logs will be written to a file in the folder /var/lib/postgresql/data/log
To persist the logs to host, the folder /var/lib/postgresql/data/ can also be bound to host folder like
By opening a command line in the folder containing the docker compose file, the following commands can be run to manage the containers
docker compose up - creates the containers
docker compose ps - view all the containers status
docker compose down - destroys the containers
docker compose stop - stops the containers
docker compose start - starts the containers
docker compose restart - restarts the containers
docker compose logs- view the logs of all the containers
Database initialization SQL
If an SQL file is placed in the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ of the docker container, it will be executed when a database is being created for the first time.
So any initialization SQL scripts (like creating initial database tables etc.) can be executed using this method
For example, an SQL file init.sql on the host containing database initialization SQL can be mapped with the container using the following in the docker run command. -v ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create_tables.sql
The same can be achieved in docker compose file also by adding the following to the volumes section of the db service as shown below
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