Read and process pandas dataframes from large files using chunks


Skill - Read and process pandas dataframes from large files using chunks

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Skills Required

Please make sure to have all the skills mentioned above to understand and execute the code mentioned below. Go through the above skills if necessary for reference or revision

  • If we try to import large a csv or dbf file into a single dataframe, we may run into memory issues resulting in crashing of the python script.
  • In this post we will process large dataframe from large data file using chunksize option while importing the data.
  • Using chunksize option returns an iterator that reads a huge data file as chunks of dataframes with each dataframe chunk having number of rows equal to chunksize (For example chunksize can be 10,000 rows).
  • If we desire to import dataframe from dbf file, we require simpledbf module. Install it using the command pip install simpledbf

Preview only n rows of a large csv file

  • If we desire to just preview a very small subset of a large csv file, use nrows and skiprows options
  • The csv file used in this example can be downloaded from here
  • The example code demonstrates these options
import  pandas  as  pd

# read only 10 rows from csv file
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv", nrows=10)

# skip first 5 rows and read only 10 rows from csv file
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv", nrows=10, skiprows=5)

Example Code

  • The below example python script processes a huge csv file containing historical bitcoin data in chunks of 10,000 rows
  • Each dataframe chunk is processed to update the maximum bitcoin volume and the timestamp at maximum volume
  • The csv file used in this example can be downloaded from here
import  pandas  as  pd
import  datetime  as  dt
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv", nrows=10)

maxVolume = 0
maxVolTs = 0
numRows = 0
volColName = "Volume_(Currency)"
for dfChunk in pd.read_csv("data.csv", chunksize=10000):
    numRows += len(dfChunk)
    tempMaxInd = dfChunk[volColName].idxmax()
    if (not pd.isna(tempMaxInd)):
        tempMax = dfChunk[volColName].loc[tempMaxInd]
        if tempMax > maxVolume:
            maxVolume = tempMax
            maxVolTs = dfChunk["Timestamp"].loc[tempMaxInd]
    print("{0} rows processed".format(numRows))
print("max volume was {0} at {1}".format(
    maxVolume, dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(maxVolTs)))

Thus by using a divide and rule approach, we can process a huge data file using the chunksize option while importing the file

.dbf file example code

The file used in this example can be downloaded from here

import  pandas  as  pd
import  datetime  as  dt
from simpledbf import Dbf5

# path of dbf file
dbfPath = 'test.dbf'
numRows = 0
for dfChunk in Dbf5(dbfPath).to_dataframe(chunksize=10):  
	# process each dataframe chunk
	numRows += len(dfChunk)
	print("processed {0} rows".format(numRows))


Video for this post can be found here


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