Directory Listing in Flask


Skill - Directory Listing in Flask

Table of Contents

Skills Required

Please make sure to have all the skills mentioned above to understand and execute the code mentioned below. Go through the above skills if necessary for reference or revision

  • In this post we will learn how show a list of files present in the server directory along with navigation and download features using Flask


Use Cases

  • Directory listing may be useful if we desire to display files of a particular folder in a server like generated reports, images etc.

Basic server

  • The following python server acts as a flask server that runs on port 50100
  • We will add the directory listing to this server
from flask import Flask

# create a server instance
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "Hello World!!!"

# run the server"", port=50100, debug=True)

Get all the folder contents using os.scandir

  • For a given folder path, all the files and folder inside the folder can be fetched using the os.scandir function
import os
folderPath = r"C:\Windows"
print([ for x in os.scandir(folderPath)])

Get the file size and modified time with os.stat

  • The file size and last modified time for a file path can be derived from os.stat function
import os

filePath = r'C:\Windows\regedit.exe'
fileStat = os.stat(filePath)

print(f"fileSize = {fileStat.st_size} bytes")
print(f"Modified Time in posix timestamp = {fileStat.st_mtime}")
  • We can use helper functions to make the file size (in bytes) and modified time (POSIX timestamp) more readable as shown in the below example
import os
import datetime as dt

def getReadableByteSize(num, suffix='B') -> str:
    for unit in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
            return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
        num /= 1024.0
    return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)

def getTimeStampString(tSec: float) -> str:
    tObj = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(tSec)
    tStr = dt.datetime.strftime(tObj, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    return tStr

filePath = r'C:\Windows\regedit.exe'
fileStat = os.stat(filePath)

print(f"fileSize = {getReadableByteSize(fileStat.st_size)} bytes")
print(f"Modified Time in posix timestamp = {getTimeStampString(fileStat.st_mtime)}")

Deriving file path from URL using safe_join

  • The path of the file is expressed as a URL path in directory listing
  • Path of the desired file in the file system can be derived using this URL path just by joining the base folder path with the URL path
  • For example, if the request URL was /Web/Screen/img102.jpg and the base folder is located at C:\Abcd, the desired file path would be C:\Abcd\Web\Screen\img102.jpg
  • This can be achieved using safe_join function from flask as shown below
from flask import safe_join
urlPath = 'Web/Screen/img102.jpg'
baseFolderPath = r'C:\Abcd'
print('filePath=',safe_join(baseFolderPath, urlPath).replace('\\', '/'))
  • The advantage of using safe_join over os.path.join is that it ensures that files above the server base folder are not served. Hence a security issue can be addressed using safe_join function

Get parent folder path of a folder using pathlib

  • For navigational purposes, we need to create a link for the parent folder of the current folder being displayed
  • This can be derived using the Path object from pathlib library as shown below
from pathlib import Path

folderPath = r'C:\Windows\Containers\serviced'
print('parent folder = ', Path(folderPath).parents[0])

Get file or folder path relative to base folder using os.path.relpath

  • Paths relative to the base server folder are required to make the file or folder clickable in the directory listing
  • This can be achieved using the os.path.relpath as shown below
import os

filePath = r'C:\Windows\Containers\serviced\abcd.txt'
baseFolderPath = r'C:\Windows'

print('realtive path = ', os.path.relpath(filePath, baseFolderPath).replace("\\", "/"))

check if a file or folder exists using os.path.exists function

  • When a user clicks on a file or folder, the URL can be resolved in to an absolute path at the server
  • The file or folder path needs to be checked if exists or not. This can be done using os.path.isdir as shown below.
import os

filePath = r"C:\abcd\xyz.txt"
print("file exists? = ", os.path.exists(filePath))

check if a path is a folder using os.path.isdir function

  • When a user clicks on a file or folder, the URL can be resolved in to an absolute path at the server
  • The function os.path.isdir can be used to determine if a path is a folder or a file as shown below
import os

filePath = r"C:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\basebrd.dll"
print("isdir for file = ", os.path.isdir(filePath))

folderPath = r"C:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd"
print("isdir for folder = ", os.path.isdir(folderPath))

Download file using flask send_file function

  • To make the file downloadable upon on clicking on the link, the whole file needs to be sent to the browser from the server instead of a page.
  • This can be done using the send_file function from flask as shown below
from flask import Flask, send_file

# create a server instance
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    filePath = r"C:\Abcd\xyz.txt"
    return send_file(filePath)"", port=50100, debug=True)

Putting all of it together

  • Using all the above functions we can create a server that can perform directory listing as shown below
# server python file
from flask import Flask, render_template, abort, safe_join, send_file
from pathlib import Path
import os
import datetime as dt

# create a server instance
app = Flask(__name__)
FolderPath = r"C:\Users\Nagasudhir\Downloads"

def index():
    return "Hello World!!!"

def getReadableByteSize(num, suffix='B') -> str:
    for unit in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
            return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
        num /= 1024.0
    return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Y', suffix)

def getTimeStampString(tSec: float) -> str:
    tObj = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(tSec)
    tStr = dt.datetime.strftime(tObj, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    return tStr

def getIconClassForFilename(fName):
    fileExt = Path(fName).suffix
    fileExt = fileExt[1:] if fileExt.startswith(".") else fileExt
    fileTypes = ["aac", "ai", "bmp", "cs", "css", "csv", "doc", "docx", "exe", "gif", "heic", "html", "java", "jpg", "js", "json", "jsx", "key", "m4p", "md", "mdx", "mov", "mp3",
                 "mp4", "otf", "pdf", "php", "png", "pptx", "psd", "py", "raw", "rb", "sass", "scss", "sh", "sql", "svg", "tiff", "tsx", "ttf", "txt", "wav", "woff", "xlsx", "xml", "yml"]
    fileIconClass = f"bi bi-filetype-{fileExt}" if fileExt in fileTypes else "bi bi-file-earmark"
    return fileIconClass

# route handler
@app.route('/reports/', defaults={'reqPath': ''})
def getFiles(reqPath):
    # Join the base and the requested path
    # could have done os.path.join, but safe_join ensures that files are not fetched from parent folders of the base folder
    absPath = safe_join(FolderPath, reqPath)

    # Return 404 if path doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists(absPath):
        return abort(404)

    # Check if path is a file and serve
    if os.path.isfile(absPath):
        return send_file(absPath)

    # Show directory contents
    def fObjFromScan(x):
        fileStat = x.stat()
        # return file information for rendering
        return {'name':,
                'fIcon': "bi bi-folder-fill" if os.path.isdir(x.path) else getIconClassForFilename(,
                'relPath': os.path.relpath(x.path, FolderPath).replace("\\", "/"),
                'mTime': getTimeStampString(fileStat.st_mtime),
                'size': getReadableByteSize(fileStat.st_size)}
    fileObjs = [fObjFromScan(x) for x in os.scandir(absPath)]
    # get parent directory url
    parentFolderPath = os.path.relpath(
        Path(absPath).parents[0], FolderPath).replace("\\", "/")
    return render_template('files.html.j2', data={'files': fileObjs,
                                                 'parentFolder': parentFolderPath})

# run the server"", port=50100, debug=True)


The workflow to serve the directory listing page would be as follows

  • Extract the relative path from URL
  • Derive the absolute path w.r.t the base folder using relative path
  • If the derived path is a valid file, send the file
  • If the derived path is a folder path, serve a directory listing page that displays the list of files and folders in the folder
  • While displaying the folder contents, each file or folder is given a hyperlink which sends the request to the server to serve its contents. Also a link to parent directory will be provided for easy navigation

Template file

<!--Template file-->
<h2>Directory Listing Example</h2>
<table class="table table-striped table-responsive">
            <th>Modified Time</th>
                <a href="{{ url_for('getFiles', reqPath=data['parentFolder']) }}">
                    <span><i class="bi bi-folder-symlink" style="margin-right:0.3em"></i>Parent Directory</span>
        {% for fileObj in data['files'] %}
                <a href="{{ url_for('getFiles', reqPath=fileObj['relPath']) }}">
                    <span><i class="{{fileObj['fIcon']}}" style="margin-right:0.3em"></i>{{ fileObj['name'] }}</span>
        {% endfor %}

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

table {table-layout:fixed; width:100%;}
table td, th {word-wrap:break-word;}
th {text-align: left;}


The video for this post can be seen here

